is a directory of U.S. based businesses providing aftercare services direct to pet owners in four pet aftercare categories; pet cemeteries, pet cremation, pet euthanasia and pet loss counseling.
All Pet Aftercare related businesses are invited to Claim or Add Listings to the PetAftercareSEARCH directory for FREE if the sole purpose of the business is to provide business-to-consumer sales and services direct to pet owners expressly for the aftercare of deceased pets. reserves the right to remove any listing not meeting our guidelines or Terms & Conditions.
The Free, Basic, Standard and Premium listing packages include features within the Directory while the Featured City RFQ listing package also includes instant Request for Quotes from pet owners in select cities (see price below & request more information for the Featured City RFQ listing).
Free Listing : Monthly Fee (0.00 USD)
includes Phone, 80 Character Description, 1 Category
Basic Listing : Monthly Fee (Request Pricing)
includes Phone, Email, 140 Character Description, 1 Image, 1 Category
Standard Listing : Monthly Fee (Request Pricing)
includes Phone, Email, Website, 240 Character Description, 2 Images, 1 Category
Premium Listing : Monthly Fee (Request Pricing)
includes Phone, Email, Website, Social Media Links, Send to a Friend Link, 480 Character Description, 3 Images, 1 Category
Featured Listing : Monthly Fee (Request Pricing)
includes TOP LISTING, Phone, Email, Website, Video, Social Media Links, Send to a Friend Link, Special Offers, Google Analytics, 480 Character Description, 4 Images, 1 Category
Featured City RFQ : Monthly Fee (Request Pricing)
Exclusive to Select U.S. Cities (request more information)
includes TOP LISTING, Phone, Email, Website, Video, Social Media Links, Send to a Friend Link, Special Offers, Google Analytics, 480 Character Description, 4 Images, 1 Category